Young High School

Growth, Resilience, Empathy, Acceptance, Teamwork

Telephone02 6382 1166

Aboriginal participation

Nurturing our local connections

At Young High School we have a range of specialist services, people and programs to promote connections with Wiradjuri country. While we believe there is a need for specialist services, we also believe the whole school has a responsibility to learn about, nurture and value the cultural identity of our Aboriginal students for them to be successful learners.

We are leaders in connecting with Wiradjuri country through our language program teaching the traditional language that is 'totally inclusive'.

'Students at Young High School, in central New South Wales, are pioneering a very exciting language program: learning Wiradjuri, the traditional language of the region.

Run by instructors Letetia Harris and Harry Lambshead, the course is Board of Study-approved, and is open to both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students' - AStar -

We welcome Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander family members, parents and community members to our school so that we can get to know each other, learn about the local Aboriginal community and develop shared goals and plans for Aboriginal students.

We encourage Aboriginal students to learn how to negotiate and develop strategies by providing unique leadership opportunities.